Design of Flood Barrier with Developed IoT-Based Flood Detection and Monitoring Systems


  • Farell Ardani Telkom University
  • Dino Caesaron Telkom University
  • Agus Kusnayat Telkom University



Flood, Flood Barrier, Kano, Quality Function Deployment, Finite Element Analysis, Internet of Things


Due to Indonesia's tropical climate, it experiences frequent heavy rainfall, which is the primary cause of flooding. Despite various solutions implemented, the issue of flooding persists. Consumers demand an effective emergency flood protection solution to prevent water from entering homes at any time. This product is a flood barrier specifically designed for installation at the front door of houses. The development of this flood barrier product aims to address user needs and ensure flood resistance. To achieve this, the Kano Method and Quality Function Deployment (QFD) are utilized in the product design process, aligning it with customer desires. The Finite Element Analysis (FEA) is employed in testing to assess the flood barrier's ability to contain water effectively. Moreover, the data representing the user requirements is collected from residents in the Baleendah area. Those residents houses have been affected by flooding. This area faces significant economic losses due to flooding, estimated at IDR 5,490,292,000,000. Bandung Regency is projected to have the highest frequency of flooding incidents in West Java in 2022, contributing to the broader issue of flooding in the province and country. The developed flood barrier product has successfully met most customer needs, leading to customer satisfaction. The product offers a reasonable price, customer customization options, and user-friendly features. The integration of Internet of Things (IoT) capabilities has been well received by users. The flood barrier product also demonstrates its efficacy in retaining floodwater through its low equivalent elastic strain, equivalent stress, and deformation values against hydrostatic pressure. These attributes enable the product to withstand floodwaters and prevent their entry into households.

Author Biographies

Dino Caesaron, Telkom University

Currently conducting research in investigating humans' performances in 3D stereoscopic displays.
Have a strong background in lab. research experiments, virtual and augmented reality, motion analysis.
I acquired my M.B.A and Ph.D in Industrial Management NTUST, Taiwan and currently serve as an assistant professor as well as head of product development lab. in Telkom University, Bandung.

Please check my research profile here:

Agus Kusnayat, Telkom University

SCOPUS ID: 57205263866, SINTA ID: 6008990, GS ID: tt4W6kEAAAAJ


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How to Cite

F. Ardani, D. Caesaron, and A. Kusnayat, “Design of Flood Barrier with Developed IoT-Based Flood Detection and Monitoring Systems”, Jurnal Teknik Industri: Jurnal Keilmuan dan Aplikasi Teknik Industri, vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 111-120, Sep. 2023.