Optimization Model for Agricultural Processed Products Supply Chain Problem in Bandung During Covid-19 Period


  • Athaya Zahrani Irmansyah Universitas Padjadjaran
  • Diah Chaerani Universitas Padjajaran
  • Endang Rusyaman Universitas Padjajaran




Supply chain, agricultural processed product, Local Food Hub , Large-scale Social Distancing, Partial Social Distancing


Coronavirus disease, commonly called Covid-19, is a virus that causes a pandemic in almost every country globally. One of those countries is Indonesia, which has many big cities with dense populations. This study was conducted in Bandung, the capital of West Java, Indonesia. As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, Bandung was seriously affected in various ways. One was the disruption in the distribution of the agricultural processed products supply chain, which changes producers and consumers' behaviour. Furthermore, as an effort by the government to break the spread of the virus, health protocols limit the distribution. The purpose of this study is to design an optimization model for the supply chain problem of agricultural processed products in Bandung during the Covid-19 period with the objective function is maximizing product suppliers so that all demands on consumers are fulfilled. The use of Local Food Hub (LFH) is a help in this research as a distribution centre point between the producer zone and the consumer zone. Finally, numerical experiments were carried out in two scenarios, namely Large-scale Social Distancing (LSD) and Partial Social Distancing (PSD). It was found that the optimal distribution solution was obtained if the PSD scenario was applied.

Author Biographies

Athaya Zahrani Irmansyah, Universitas Padjadjaran

Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Graduate Program in Mathematics, Universitas Padjajaran, Jl. Raya Bandung-Sumednag, KM 21, Jatinangor, Sumedang Jawa Barat, Indonesia, 45363.

Diah Chaerani, Universitas Padjajaran

Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Department of Mathematics, Universitas Padjajaran, Jl. Raya Bandung-Sumednag, KM 21, Jatinangor, Sumedang Jawa Barat, Indonesia, 45363.

Endang Rusyaman, Universitas Padjajaran

Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Department of Mathematics, Universitas Padjajaran, Jl. Raya Bandung-Sumednag, KM 21, Jatinangor, Sumedang Jawa Barat, Indonesia.


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How to Cite

A. Zahrani Irmansyah, D. Chaerani, and E. Rusyaman, “Optimization Model for Agricultural Processed Products Supply Chain Problem in Bandung During Covid-19 Period”, Jurnal Teknik Industri: Jurnal Keilmuan dan Aplikasi Teknik Industri, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 83-92, Oct. 2021.


